Well here goes nothing ~

Welcome to my portfolio which is a collection of work exploring different mediums and my most personal form of self-expression.

Most of my life I’ve kept private in sharing this stream of conscious in favor of limited to sharing “completed” work. Words sometimes fail me in transition and always found actions to speak louder.

So why now? Something I’ve thought about while uploading onto here. Part of me feels like just revealing my cards, in the sense that I can start from a clean state. For literal decades most of this work hasn’t seen the light of day and feel it’s important to push myself to present.



Things finally started to look up - or did it?


Testing..how small is this text?



2021 was just a continuation 2020 - still locked up inside amidst political unrest. The future still felt uncertain and tried to continue sustaining habits started the previous year while continuing to improve general lifestyle.



2020 was a year of isolation and reset in direction.

Despite the world seemingly falling about around me. It was an incredibly busy year at work with my growing responsibilities.

It was then I finally committed to studying languages I’ve been interested in for decades and for whatever reason a newfound obsession with denim and it’s characteristics in detail.



2019 was standout year. It was though all the struggles of prior ones seemed to resolve in a balanced unity. By this point I had grown into my profession and all the while embark on several memorable international trips.



The year of 3D. It was a career shift and now my second time moving to New York.

I lived and breathed 3D eager to learn everything I possibly could, which resulted to some neglection in my sketchbook.


This year was dare I say, a golden era of creative expression?

It was the most challenging period in both my professional and personal life what felt at the time as rock bottom.

I was between jobs so I had a lot of time on my hands to really immersive in my art.

It served as pivotal year closing and beginning a new chapter life.


2016 felt like taking two steps backward.

I struggled to find work in New York and ultimately had succumbed an opportunity in Los Angeles.

It felt as if I stared over in many ways now falling into a different lifestyle.





The year starts with completing the spring semester at Parsons’s foundation year.

By the summer, I’ve started my first internship at a fashion house in Soho by the Fall begin the fashion program.

2010 I started my first semester at Parsons


2009 I was 19 years old


2006 I was 16 years old


1998 I was 8 years old